How does Voatz integrate with an existing elections process? Voatz integration is similar to a typical absentee voting process: PROCESS VOTER REQUESTS – A voter requests to vote absentee from their jurisdiction and indicates they’d like to “vote mobile” (which often requires filling out the “absentee voter request form”). Election officials add the voter to a list of those who are eligible to receive a mobile ballot. PROVIDE VOTER LIST – The jurisdiction provides Voatz with a voter list of all those approved to use Voatz; all voters on the voter list receive an invitation to download and verify with Voatz. VERIFY & VOTE – Voters download the Voatz app to their smartphone and verify their identity, which is checked against the voter list. Once approved, the voter submits their ballot from their smartphone and a paper ballot is produced at the jurisdiction for tabulation. The voter also receives a ballot receipt confirming their selections. Both documents are digitally signed with an anonymous ID to preserve privacy. CONFIRM – After the election, an audit is conducted to confirm the tabulated paper ballots match the ballot receipts and the blockchain record.